ARGUMENTATIVE TEXT (gambar dari Google)

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Welcome back to my blogger. This time I will explain material about argumentative texts and discuss argumentative texts in more depth. Please scroll down to read my material !! 

 # Language Function

What is Argumentative Text for? An argumentative text uses evidence and facts to prove whether or not a thesis is true, so two sides of an issue are presented in it. This text covers the most important arguments for and against. 

# Text Structure

Here is an explanation of a argumentative text's structure.

1. Thesis : presents the issue of concern.

Example : however, some people argue that they don't have enough time to exercise or don't enjoy it.

2. Arguments : present the reasons for concern, leading to the recommendation.

Example :

  • Title : The title succinctly conveys the main topic or issue that the argumentative text will address. Example: "The Crucial Role of Exercise in Enhancing Physical and Mental Well-being."
  • Tesis : The thesis statement outlines the main argument or claim that the author will support throughout the text .Example: "Regular physical activity is essential for overall health, as it not only improves physical fitness but also positively influences mental well-being."
  • Argument 1 : First, exercise can help prevent and manage many chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
  • Argument 2 : Second, This is because exercise helps increase insulin sensitivity, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Argument 3 : Third, exercise is also beneficial for mental health. It has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve cognitive function, and improve overall health.

3. Recommendation : presents the statement of what ought or ought not to happen. The author tries to invite and persuade the reader to do something.

Example : Although it can be a challenge to fit exercise into a busy schedule, there are many ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily activities, such as taking the stairs instead of using the elevator, taking a walk during your lunch break, or doing short exercises at home.

# Languange Components / Features 

1. It contains the author’s thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions.
2. It is accompanied by logical reasons, facts or events that occurred, as well as information from several sources such as data graphics, pictures, and other things that can be accepted by reason.
3. It is presented using analysis and analogy. (menganalisis topik berdasarkan sumber terpercaya).

# Example Argumentative Text 1 :

Benefits of Exercise
Regular exercise has many benefits for physical and mental health. First, exercise can help prevent and manage many chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. This is because exercise helps increase insulin sensitivity, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation in the body.
Apart from that, exercise is also beneficial for mental health. It has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve cognitive function, and improve overall health. In fact, regular exercise has been found to be as effective as medication in treating depression.
However, some people argue that they don't have enough time to exercise or don't enjoy it. Although it can be a challenge to fit exercise into a busy schedule, there are many ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily activities, such as taking the stairs instead of using the elevator, taking a walk during your lunch break, or doing short exercises at home.

# Example Argumentative Text 2 :

The Culinary Heritage of Mie Ayam : Nurturing Tradition Amidst Modernization

Mie Ayam, a beloved Indonesian noodle dish, stands as a cultural symbol that requires preservation and celebration in the face of modern culinary trends, ensuring the continuity of a rich gastronomic heritage.

Mie Ayam is not just a dish; it represents a cultural identity deeply rooted in Indonesian culinary traditions. As the culinary landscape evolves, it becomes imperative to appreciate and sustain these cultural markers to maintain a sense of national identity.

Beyond its cultural significance, Mie Ayam is a flavorful and nutritionally balanced dish. Its combination of seasoned noodles, succulent chicken, and aromatic broth not only delights the taste buds but also provides a wholesome and satisfying meal, promoting a connection between culture and well-being.

The popularity of Mie Ayam contributes significantly to the livelihoods of local street vendors and small businesses. Preserving and promoting this traditional dish can serve as a means to support local entrepreneurs and maintain the vibrancy of community-based culinary enterprises.

In recognizing the cultural, culinary, and economic value of Mie Ayam, it is essential for communities, culinary institutions, and the government to collaborate in initiatives that promote and protect this heritage. This can involve culinary education programs, cultural festivals, and the incorporation of Mie Ayam into mainstream culinary tourism efforts. By doing so, we can ensure the continued appreciation and enjoyment of this iconic Indonesian dish for generations to come.

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